Wednesday, December 31, 2008

How to Cut Down on Your Drinking

By Ed Philips

If you believe that you are drinking too much you can recover your life and health by reducing your alcohol consumption. What exactly entails drinking too much? Read the following questions and answer "yes" or "no":

Do you drink alone when you feel angry or sad? Does your drinking ever make you late for work? Does your drinking worry your family? Do you ever drink after telling yourself you won't? Do you ever forget what you did while you were drinking? Do you get headaches or have a hang-over after you have been drinking? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you may have a drinking problem. Check with your doctor to be sure. Your doctor will be able to tell you whether you should cut down or abstain. If you are alcoholic or have other medical problems, you should not just cut down on your drinking--you should stop drinking completely. Your doctor will advise you about what is right for you.

If your doctor tells you to cut down on your drinking, these steps can help you:

1. Write down the reasons you wish to cut down or stop.

Why do you want to drink less? There are many reasons why you may want to cut down or stop drinking. You may want to improve your health, sleep better, or get along better with your family or friends. Make a list of the reasons you want to drink less.

2. Set a drinking goal.

Decide, before you begin drinking, exactly how many drinks you will have. You may decide to cut down or not to drink at all. If you are cutting down, keep below these limits:

Women: No more than one drink a day

Men: No more than two alcoholic drinks per day

A drink is:

a 12-ounce bottle of beer; a 5-ounce glass of wine; or a 1 1/2-ounce shot of liquor. These limits may be too high for some people who have certain medical problems or who are older. Talk with your doctor about the limit that is right for you.

Write your goal on a piece of paper. Put it where you can see it daily, such as on your refrigerator or bathroom mirror.

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