Monday, December 29, 2008

Tips For Study Motivation

By Ethan Beh

Having difficulty in getting study motivation? Fallen way back on your classes but still not doing anything about it? Do you feel extremely turned off just by thinking about studying?

If you feel this way, well at least you can take comfort in the fact that almost everyone has experienced this lack of study motivation. This is especially true a person has no interests at all in the subject that he or she is studying.

The good news is as long as you have determination, a little will power and know some tips and strategies for increasing study motivation, you can easily put yourself into 'study-mode'. Use the tips below to help increase your study motivation.

1. Schedule time to study. Make sure that you schedule time to study. Don't get into the habit of just studying only 'when you feel like it'. Set your study schedule beforehand and make sure that you stick to it. Revolve all other activities around that schedule. Take your study time seriously and make it almost sacred. Nothing should interfere with it.

2. Get started - 5 minute challenge. The hardest part of doing anything is getting started. The first step is always the toughest. After you got that out of the way, it's all downhill. This is because once you've got momentum; it's easy to keep it going.

To help yourself get started, this is what you can do, whenever you're not motivated to start studying, just plan to study for 5 minutes. That's it, just 5 minutes. Tell yourself that you'll be studying seriously for 5 minutes then you'll stop.

When you do this, what happens is that after studying seriously and intensely for those 5 minutes, your studying momentum would have already gained some serious traction. By that time you will want to continue studying and not feel like stopping.

3. Stop and start at the fun part. When you have to stop for meals, baths, getting snacks/drinks, or for just for a short break, do it when you at the fun and interesting part of the subject. If the , you'll feel more motivated to get back to the books after the break, and it makes getting started again easier.

4. Remove distractions from your surroundings. When you got the TV, phone, computer, bed, magazines etc nearby, you'll be easily tempted to throw your books aside. Try to remove as many distractions away from you as possible. When the remote is right next to you, you're more likely to pick it up. Same with your phone, laptop etc. But if you have to walk all the way across to another part of the house to watch TV chances are you'll be less likely to do it.

5. Set Goals. Setting goals will give you more motivation. When there's a target to aim at, we'll be more determined rise up to the challenge and push ourselves to achieve it. The sense of satisfaction from the achievement is also a good confidence booster. In addition to that, it will cultivate a habit of studying.

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