Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Ugly Truth about Colon Cleansers

By Dorthy Weatherbush

If a person maintains a healthy diet then usually regular bowel movements are not a problem. However, the majority of the world does not eat as healthy as they should. If used properly, colon cleansers can be a wonderful tool to becoming healthier. However, they can also be misused to lose weight that should not be lost.

At this moment, many of the statistics say that you probably have between 4 and 9 pounds of fecal matter attached to the walls of your colon. The side affects of this can be as simple as constant constipation, gas, indigestion and maybe even acid reflux disease. The reality is that if you are faced with most if not all of these symptoms, perhaps the time has come for a complete cleanse. Many of the best cleanses to use are the natural products that are specially prepared to cleanse the colon and detoxify your liver. They key is that you should feel better after a more alert and refreshed after a colon cleanse and not the reverse.

It's when people decide to use colon cleansers as a weight loss tool that things become "ugly." First of all, if you have a lot of weight to lose, then colon cleansing is not your answer. An initial cleanse will only result in about 4-8 pounds lost. After that, you will simply be eliminating everything you eat, nutrients and all. This is not healthy. Using an herbal remedy for colon cleansing, you could jump-start your weight loss journey with a clean colon. Maintaining a healthy diet after cleaning out your colon would be a safer choice.

You will be amazed at the assortment of colon cleansers out there. There are complex ones, easy ones, liquid ones, herbal ones, and many others. Colon cleansing should be done in conjunction with a high fiber and low cholesterol diet. If you want your cleansing process is smooth, you will make a subtle shift in lifestyle and diet.

Rather than focusing exclusively on the minor weight loss benefits of colon cleansing, users should seek to learn more about the many other benefits to cleaning out your system. Improved digestive health along with an improved vitality and appearance to the skin is apparent. Just image your body being cleared of the harmful toxins you ingest daily without knowing.

So in an effort to respond to the question, are colon cleansers safe, yes most of them are safe however they can be harmful if not properly followed and supervised under a doctor's care. On the other hand, if you are simply trying a colon cleanse simply to lose weight then you are under a false impression and are taking a colon cleanser for the wrong reason. It would be in your best interest to identify a proven diet program and follow it to the letter versus following some claim made on late night television.

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