Wednesday, December 31, 2008

MadWorld Review

By David Curbkenny

Earlier this year Nintendo held an E3 gaming convention to display their hottest new releases for the Wii. Most of the releases were family oriented with playful but fun games not targeted toward action packed experienced gamer. However, Nintendo didn't not completely disappoint they mentioned that MadWorld for the Wii would be all that and more. This game is targeted directly toward hardcore gamers everywhere that love blood, guts, killing, and carnage. Here we mention some hot items displayed by MadWorld at the convention.

Wii Transition: According to MediaWatch-UK, a British media watchdog group believes that Mad World will influence the Wii gaming community. Even though it may hurt the overall family atmosphere, this is what the hardcore gamers want. In contrast, John Beyer, the director of MediaWatch believes that, "hope the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) will view this with concern and decide it should not be granted a classification.... Without that, it cannot be marketed in Britain. What the rest of world does is up to them. We need to ensure that modern and civilized values take priority rather than killing and maiming people."

Graphics: This year many gaming producers and designers were able to get the first look at Mad World. This game offers features of incredible graphical styles in order to maintaining a real life feeling. Mad World is a fun, action packed, full of gore violence. The black and white really bring out the blood and guts of the action packed layout of this transitional game. The violence, with characters being ripped apart, thrown against spikes, chain sawed in half are just some of the content that provides mere shocking due to the graphical intensity the developers have created. The game also provides a narrator who provides play-by-play commentary of your characters moves and achievements. Imagine a character that is part sin city part punisher traveling through the streets wreaking havoc directly from your wii controller.

Many Wii games are focused toward a family audience as stated earlier and MadWorld is unique in the nature that it was created to attract a totally different type of gamer. The gamer it was created to attract loves series like, Resident Evil or Dino Crisis, which were created by the developers now employed by Platinum Games. Guess who created MadWorld for the Wii? Yep. You guessed it.. Platinum Games did. This release was created soley to target the hardcore games who love series like Resident Evil, Grand Theft Auto and Mainhunt. Finally the Wii will have something to offer every style of gamer.

Get the latest news, screenshots and trailer for MadWorld on Make sure to Preorder MadWorld today as with everything for the Nintendo Wii supplies will be limited and the demand for new wii games is huge.

This article was written from in depth knowledge on MadWorld development, research and game structuring. The author is David Curbkenny, a MadWorld enthusiast and article author for Wii related news and game releases.

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