Monday, March 16, 2009

Advanced Wellness Research Acai Berry Offers Information

By Linda Kemp

Are you interested in having an edge in your next athletic competition? If so, you likely have tried many different supplements, with differing effects. Many so-called supplements are actually banned substances that can do irreparable harm to your body and can cut your athletic career short. And other supplements are basically just vitamins and minerals that are sure to help a bit, but not do anything remarkable. However, if you have seen the ads for the acai berry, you are probably curious about whether this wonder food can help you. In short, this berry is actually a very smart supplement for anyone involved in athletics or who just likes to exercise and has the power to help you get more out of your body.

Unlike other supplements that are either dangerous or ineffective, Pure Acai Berry has a special combination of nutrients that are extremely effective in promoting better stamina and energy. In Brazil, where these berries grow native, people have been using these berries in order to perform better in competitions and in order to have more energy for thousands of years. You can think of this berry in a similar way to an energy drink- a great way to replenish lost energy stores, to get extra energy before an especially challenging event, and a way to stock up on nutrients that keep your body running at its ultimate level.

Acai berry's great energy boosting ability comes from many sources, but most noticeably from its omega fatty acids and its almost complete proteins. The omega fatty acids are the good kind of fats that both provide energy and are protective of the heart and cardiovascular system. And, with an almost complete set of essential amino acids, this supplement is able to help you build muscle and repair muscle fibers after a hard workout. This is essential to keeping in top form and to doing your best in any type of competition or workout.

Pure Acai Berry has other properties that make it more beneficial than just a protein shake or an omega fatty acid supplement. For instance, the large concentration of vitamins and minerals, including potassium and calcium are very important to keeping the body in great working order and allowing it to function at its best. And the extremely high antioxidant concentration allows you to neutralize free radicals in your body to avoid dangerous cell changes. Considering that many athletes need to eat many more calories than the average person and eating is one of the primary reasons for the formation of free radicals, getting enough antioxidants is especially important!

Best of all, acai berry seems to have the effect of helping the people taking it to feel much more energetic throughout the day. This seems to be from a combination of all of the nutrients found within the berry and affects athletes and people who need extra energy for hard days at work equally. For people who are just looking for something to help give them enough energy to feel like working out after work, this is a good supplement and can help you get into a healthy routine that makes you feel great.

If using the acai berry to enhance your workout routine sounds like a great idea, just make sure you use Pure Acai Berry- the only completely pure and concentrated form of this supplement out there. You can even enjoy a free trial offer in order to see just how much of a difference it can make in your energy levels and stamina.

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