Sunday, March 1, 2009

Better Grades: A Result of Realized Learning Styles

By Lauren Tyson

It is a rare thing for a student to learn without encountering any stumbling blocks along the way. Learning sometimes takes a great deal of concentration and effort, and many mistakes are made before the path of least resistance is reached. Though it is impossible to predict all of the obstacles a student may encounter on the road to better grades, at the very least they can endeavor to understand how their minds naturally approach these predicaments.

SuperCamp, an academic summer camp for kids and teens, employs a very enlightening anecdote to help students discover and understand their own learning styles: The story of Slim 'n' Bil. As the story goes, Slim and Bil were very special, very smart people - but in very different ways. They knew each other so well that they didn't bother to ask the question, "How smart are you?" but rather, "How are you smart?"

They discovered, through much collaboration, that when they combined their names, an acronym for learning styles was formed. Each of these learning styles demonstrates how our strengths can be used to tackle various problems we encounter. Once the door of learning is opened, multiple paths will open up.

The acronym that Slim 'n' Bil discovered stands for these learning styles: Spatial-Visual, Linguistic, Interpersonal, Musical, Naturalist, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Intrapersonal, Logical-Mathematical. Each one uses a different method to absorb information efficiently. For example, a Naturalist learner looks for patterns and odd-one-out puzzles, while Bodily-Kinesthetic learners like movement and physical learning games.

For example, Logical-Mathematical learners prefer logic puzzles and use reason to tackle problems, while a Spatial-Visual learner likes the challenge of dimension and shapes. A Naturalist learner looks for patterns and odd-one-out puzzles, while Bodily-Kinesthetic learners like movement and physical learning games. Similarly, Linguistic learners like words and stories to help them sort through facts, just as a Musical learner enjoys songs and rhymes to help them recall and organize information.

No one method is superior to another. Everyone has the potential to see problems in a different way, but some brains naturally lean toward one method or another. It is important to understand these learning styles, as it may help in future dilemmas. Imagine how easy it would be able to split up work in an ad campaign if you knew to assign those on your team with Linguistic learning styles the task of coming up with a slogan; using that same logic, you could give the Spatial-Visual learners the undertaking of creating a visually friendly logo. The possibilities are endless.

The first step to better grades and a better GPA is comprehension of a student's own personal learning style. Better grades won't be a stopping point either; their understanding of people's strengths will ultimately help them in their future lives. SuperCamp believes that these style-specific techniques will last them far beyond their academic careers.

Better grades are not the only thing that a student will gain when they comprehend their personal learning style. Challenges outside academia will become easier to manage, and by knowing how they can contribute to solving a problem, they will become valuable assets wherever they go, be it at work, with family, or with friends. Slim 'n' Bil would be proud!

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