Sunday, March 15, 2009

Drinking Acai Berry Juice Has Many Benefits

By I Russell

If you have heard about acai berry, it is likely that you will be curious to know more about it's great benefits to health which it offers. Nowadays you will see that many of the marketers are claiming that acai berry is a super food which not only helps in reducing weight but also prevents diseases. The acai berry offers a lot of health benefits. Now, lets see some helpful information about the acai berry fruit and all the advantages it offers.

First of all, what exactly is the acai berry? This is a very common question. Basically this is a purple/red fruit that is about an inch in length. You'll find the fruit on the acai palm tree, which is found in South America as well as Central America. The berry is related to other fruits of similar color, such as the cranberry and the blueberry.

So, what is all this hype created about acai berry juice? Well you will discover that much research has been done on this berry as it's believed to contain high concentration of antioxidants. Various substances are present in the acai berry. Anthocyanins as well as flavonoids are present in it. Both of these substances are supposed to be great antioxidants which helps in the protection of the body and getting rid of free radicals. Consuming diets high in antioxidants are important to help us in fighting diseases and aging. Hence, using the acai berry fruit is definitely a very wise choice to be considered.

You'll find that there are many great benefits to drinking the acai berry juice on a regular basis. Studies are beginning to show that there are some great health benefits that you can enjoy when you start taking the berry. In fact, studies have shown that there are more antioxidants contained in this fruit than there is in strawberries, cranberries, blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries as well. People are now eating these berries for a variety of different health conditions. Many people believe that these berries can help with weight loss, anti aging, and even cancer prevention.

Is there anything to worry about regarding side effects when taking the acai berry? Generally not, unless you have a specific allergy to berries or pollen. Besides this concern, the product has been shown to be safe.

Acai berry juice is a wonderful drink that comes with lots of positive effects on your health. Apart from providing a great way to give you your dose of antioxidants, acai berry juice comes packed with added benefits of disease prevention and possible weight loss.

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