Monday, March 2, 2009

Extending iPhone Battery Life

By MaiQ Slim

There are many ways you can keep your iPhone battery in good shape. One of the ways you can do that is by purchasing a clip-on extended battery for your iPhone. However, there are even some great tips you can follow that will keep your extended battery running for as long as possible as well. With a cell phone like the amazing iPhone, you definitely want to keep it in the best shape you can.

One of the best way's to extend the battery in your iPhone, whether it is the standard battery or the extended one, is to turn the phone off. When you are not using your phone and are not expecting any calls, then it is safe to flip off your phone. The best time to do this is while you are sleeping and while you are at work.

For that matter, turning your phone off while you are charging it is also a great way to extend the battery's life. Again, you can choose to do this while you are in the office or asleep. Doing this will help give your battery even more juice.

If ever you are in an area where your phone does not have a lot of bars, turn it off post haste! Your iPhone will just keep searching and searching for a signal. This wastes a lot of power. You are not going to get any calls in a poor reception area anyway. Just shut it off until you get to a better location!

If you have a Bluetooth headset, you should make sure that you turn it off when you are not using it. These headsets are great little devices. However, they can eat up a lot of power as well, especially if you leave them hooked up when not in use.

Last but not least, sometimes you just have to let your iPhone's battery die a natural death. But not for good! If you let your battery die every so often and then charge it back up to full power, it can help extend the battery's life.

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