Monday, March 16, 2009

Foot Tattoos: The Latest In Female Tattoo Designs

By Chris Smith

Are you getting tired of the over done lower back tattoo. Most people can easily admit that they are hot. However, they have been done by everyone by now and women are looking for something more unique and original. Thus has lead many women to seek a new area on their body to tattoo. The foot tattoo has thus become a very popular option for many women. It is easy to see why when you look at how flexible the design is and how hot they look.

If you are contemplating getting a foot tattoo design then you will want to know more about them. While these designs are super cute and can make a great tattoo they also have some downsides you should be aware of.

The Good Things About Foot Tattoo Designs

There are many positive advantages to getting a foot tattoo design. First of all one of the greatest things is they look absolutely amazing. The foot is an intimate place on a female's body and thus a great place to get a hot looking design on. Another benefit is there are so many feminine tattoo designs that work well on the foot. For example butterflies, fairies, flowers, and even vines can all be integrated into a beautiful foot design. They also make a great location for a tattoo because they can easily be covered up when it is necessary and then revealed or even shown off when you desire. Just a simple pair of socks and shoes will cover up the design when at work and then a great pair of sandals will reveal your wonderful design.

The Hottest Designs And Ideas

It is not a good idea to pick your tattoo based on what other people think. Tattoos are all about personal choice and self expression so just because the tattoo shop has a lot of flash or because someone told you this would look cute are not good reasons to get a certain design for a tattoo. With that said however it can be a helpful starting point to look at what types of designs other people are getting in the same area that you want your tattoo. Some of the more frequently used designs are butterflies, angels, flowers and of course stars always look incredible. You might also want to consider a feminine tribal tattoo design.

The Disadvantages Of Foot Tattoos

While there really are not a ton of things that would be considered a downside to such a wonderful tattoo is is important to know what they are. This can help you in making the decision if you want to get this area tattooed or not. One of the downsides of getting a foot tattoo is the pain level. Any time the bone is close tot he skin that area is going to be more painful to get a tattoo done on then other areas of the body. Many report that foot tattoos can be a painful experience. Due to the pain experienced it can also be difficult to keep your foot still. You want to jerk your foot away from the pain and thus making it hard for the tattoo artist to do his best work. Another downside is it can take longer then normal for the design to fully heal. With the rubbing of socks and shoes on top of the tattoo design the healing process can be slower and take longer. Also since feet and often being moved the healing process can be slowed down.

If after reading this article you still want to get a foot tattoo and are even more interested in such a design then by all means go for it. Just don't rush into the tattoo and go out and get it today. Instead take your time and come up with an original design and a tattoo artist that is willing to work with you and listen to your designs ideas.

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