Monday, March 16, 2009

Know Everything About Cancer Risk Factors

By Rita Goldman

The cancer dilemma has been troubling a lot of people for several generations now simply because there is no absolute cure for all kinds of cancer. Some miraculous healing of cancer used various alternative ways of cure which may include hypnosis, prayer, law of attraction, healthy eating habits, exercise, and a few others more. Some patients who have undergone chemotherapy have been cured however not all patients who have undergone this kind of medical procedure survived.

The best way to combat cancer is to stop it before it even develops. So how can we do this? We can achieve a cancer free life when we avoid the risk factors associated with cancer. These risk factors are said to be the main reasons why people develop cancer. By safeguarding ourselves earlier from these known risk factors, we can be living a cancer free lifetime.

The commonly known cancer risk factors include age, history of cancer in the family, tobacco, alcohol, sunlight, ionizing radiation, chemicals and artificial substances, some forms of viruses and bacteria, hormones, unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise, and obesity.

Lets face it, everyone becomes of age and grow older as time passes by. Cancer statistics show that most cancer patients belong to the senior citizen bracket. The commonly affected old people with cancer are those who didnt have a healthy lifestyle to begin with. Even if aging is an unavoidable natural process, practicing a healthier lifestyle helps us avoid cancer.

This goes the same for having a family history of cancer. We may have inherited genes from our family that shows the possibility of cancer development. But this shouldnt stop us from living a healthier life because we can still prevent cancer from developing inside us.

How can we live a healthier life then? The answer to this question lies on avoiding all of the remaining risk factors of cancer. Lung cancer is the leading cancer killer all over the world and its main culprit is tobacco which is found in cigars and cigarettes. Smokers and second-hand smokers (or non-smokers) are both in danger of lung cancer. Smokers should quit smoking as soon as possible while non-smokers should avoid the smoking environment. It has also been noted that second-hand smokers are at greater risk of developing lung cancer.

You should also avoid exposing yourself in extreme sunlight condition, specifically between the midday hours of 10 AM until 3 PM because these are the times when the sun is radiating its hottest UV rays. Due to the fact that the ozone layer manifested a hole in our atmosphere, Ultraviolet rays are not being filtered as much as they used to. Those who are fond of sun exposure, tanning beds, and even sun lamps, prolonging your exposure will eventually develop into several forms of skin cancer. To avoid this kind of cancer, it would be best to apply a sunscreen before going out of the house, wear long sleeved shirts, long pants, hats with a wide brim, as well as wearing Ultraviolet-absorbing sunglasses.

Ionizing radiation comes from x-rays, radon gas, radioactive fallout, and radiation rays entering our atmosphere. Radon gas is commonly found on the earths rocks and soil thats why miners who are exposed to this element develop cancer later on in their life. Mishandling nuclear power plants lead to accidents which causes radiation fallout or leaks. Employees who are exposed to this kind of radiation also have increased risk of developing cancer. There are some forms of medical procedures that use radiation to treat patients. One of them is x-ray but this procedure only uses low doses of radiation and it is not harmful enough to cause cancer.

Another risk factor associated with cancer is the presence of certain chemicals and other artificial substances such as asbestos, benzene, benzidine, cadmium, nickel, and vinyl chloride. These chemicals are commonly found in the workplace such as construction sites, the chemical industry, and the paint industry. Employees who are exposed to these chemicals develop various kinds of cancer even if the exposure has been stopped.

Some viruses and bacteria are also associated with cancer development. Most of these viruses and bacteria are contagious and transferable from one person to another. They include HIV, Hepatitis B and C, Human papillomaviruses, Human T-cell leukemia or lymphoma virus, Epstein-Barr virus, herpes, and Helicobacter pylori. Some of the ways to combat these kinds of viruses and bacteria is by practicing safe sex, not having sex with someone who is infected, as well as getting vaccinated for the various types of Hepatitis.

Certain hormones are also increasing the risk of cancer development especially in women who are undergoing menopausal hormone therapy. This kind of therapy may help women get through the hard stage of menopause however the long term risk is a definite possibility such as developing breast cancer, heart attack, stroke, and even blood clots. Always remember that our bodies are undergoing natural processes that we shouldnt meddle with. If we do, we are causing it to be imbalance thus various kinds of diseases arise.

They say that a small amount of alcohol intake a day is good for your heart. But did you know that you are increasing your risk of several forms of cancer if you drink alcohol? Some of these include cancers of the breast, liver, larynx, mouth, esophagus, and throat. If an alcohol drinker is also a smoker, he is doubling his risk of developing cancer.

When you look at unhealthy eating habits, lack of physical exercise, and obesity, you will notice that they are all interrelated. These risk factors are not only associated with cancer alone, but with several ailments such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and other top killers of humankind. When you have these risk factors with you, start avoiding them as soon as possible. Eat healthier foods such as fruits, vegetables, and other fiber-rich foods. You should also start exercising regularly and improving your physical activities in order to promote a healthy body as well as to loose some weight in the process.

Now that you know all of the risk factors associated with cancer and know how to avoid each and everyone of them, you should be on your way to a healthier lifestyle. In the long run, you will be glad that you have practiced healthier living earlier because you will become cancer free for life.

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