Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Religion and the Law of Attraction

By Laurice Egerton

This new approach to personal development brought about through "The Secret" and the Law of Attraction seem fascinating. If you are like me, however, you are wondering how these new teachings fit into your religious beliefs. At first I was concerned. For example, if I could get whatever I wanted stepping right into my life through positive thoughts and feelings, what about all of the less than mentally healthy people out there attracting victims into theirs?! And does God just give everything we desire if we believe it? Or is there a purpose to trials and suffering?

I have discovered after researching the topic for months now that my thoughts and concerns were not unique. My purpose in this article is to be concise in what Ive found to hold true to my traditional Christian beliefs and the Law of Attraction as it has been portrayed in so much media lately.

First of all, what about all of those things I (you) sincerely wanted, and even prayed for that never materialized? Well, according to religious beliefs-God saw a higher, better purpose. According to the Law of Attraction, your unconscious beliefs may have been getting in the way, or your desires were not in alignment with our true self. It took me a while to realize that these beliefs or principles are in perfect sync with each other. If your desires come from your ego, you either wont get what you desire, or when you do, you will be greatly disappointed.

Second, "fake it till you make it" is taught by the new luminaries. I wasn't sure I could buy into that. However, on second glance, it really just means to feel happy NOW. This coincides directly with the teaching of gratitude. Be grateful for what you DO have, use your talents and abilities for good, and you will receive more good. This new approach to ageless principles is actually pretty cool!

Third, faith. Yes we've all heard of it. Some grasp it and practice it daily. Even the new Law of Attraction teachers agree that this is the key component. Whatever the Mind can conceive and believe it can achieve. An age old concept that I think we all realize to a certain extent. If you don't believe something it will never happen. And believing it, and allowing the feelings of hope, love, joy and anticipation in while believing or having faith will spur our desires on toward us. As you can see these too are in direct alignment.

Last, but not least, the whole goal in this journey is to find joy. Joy looks different for everyone. Someone may live all alone in a shack and yet find ways to really enjoy daily living. Some want loads of money, some just need friends...You understand. Learning to find joy and meaning along the way is really what it's all about. If you can find joy and happiness no matter what the external circumstances, you are already there. Ironically, that is probably when you will receive more of the physical "stuff" you desire. Both avenues of thought teach this. It's kind of nice that new aged "luminaries" are really just bringing more attention to timeless principles.

It's surprisingly refreshing that however you find this fitting into your beliefs, the teachings are really the same...God/universe, gratitude/positive thought, talents/source energy, child of God/part of the universe. Truth is truth is truth.

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