Sunday, March 1, 2009

Should You Buy Human Pheromones?

By Heidi Hall

Have you ever met someone and felt an unbelievable chemistry? It doesn't happen all the time (or even often), but this is human pheromones at work.

Now whether or not pheromones are as effective as some manufactures claim is a matter of some speculation. Since 1959 scientists have known about how pheromones work in animals to control social behavior, but many thought that humans didn't have this same trait.

However, in the last 15 years or so, humans have also been shown to both product and respond to pheromones. This is true for both men and women. The chemical scents that we produce have been found in our sweat and are read at a subconcious level.

One of the most interesting studies on how human pheromones work was done at the University of Kentucky. Female subjects were shown pictures of men, some sprayed with the pheromone androsterone, and some not. The androsterone treated pictures were judged as more attractive, showing the effect that human pheromones can have on perceptions of attractiveness.

These chemical scents can also benefit you, but there are a few things you need to know.

One. Not all pheromones are created equal. There are many different pheromone manufacturers available to order pheromones from. Sadly, some unscrupulous manufacturers and dealers claim to have potent pheromone formulations when in reality they contain little to no pheromones. Since this is an entirely unregulated industry, please buy from a trusted source.

Second, like perfumes, more is not better when it comes to applying pheromones. If you are using oils just two drops will do. If you are using a cologne or perfume spray usually 4 light sprays is enough. If you find you are not getting the desired effect then increase the dose.

Last, pheromones aren't magic. Good pheromone products can do amazing things. They can increase your attractiveness, cause people to treat you with more respect, and increase trust and honesty. But they take some getting used to and for most people the effects are clear but subtle.

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