Friday, March 13, 2009

Tips on the Pests of Chili Plants

By James Peterson

Cutworms, Feltia subterranea (F.) and .Peridroma saucia (Htibn.) are often severe on newly set plants, cutting them off near the surface of the soil. The smooth, stout, soft-bodied larvae are usually dull- coloured and up to 4 cm long. They can be controlled by poisoned bait. Aphids, particularly the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer), and the potato aphid, Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas), are the most common and widely distributed of the pests of capsicums. Infection can occur in the nursery or hotbed. They are the vectors of virus diseases. It is important to control aphids by dusting or spraying as soon as the first infestation is evident and as often as necessary thereafter.

Aiyadurai (1966) also records Aphis gossypii Glov. and A. evonymi in India, which are also vectors of mosaic. The European corn-borer, Ostrinia nubilalis Htibn. (syn. Pyrausta (Htibn.), has become a serious pest of capsicum along the Atlantic coast of the United States. The lesser cornstalk borer, Elasmopalpus lignosel/us (Zell.) was reported causing damage in Georgia, USA.

Paprika powder is generally prepared in the growing areas. It is valued principally as a colouring agent both for domestic culinary purposes and in the preparation of processed foods, but it is also appreciated for its characteristic flavour.

Many cultivars exist and the ease with which those of the same species cross can be used for the breeding and selection of improved cultivars. With the discovery of cytoplasmically inherited male sterility (Peterson, 1958), hybrid F, seed can now be cheaply produced. High temperatures accentuate the sterile condition.

The dried forms of the fruits of Capsicum species which are traded fall into three groups: the highly pungent 'chillies% the moderately to mildly pungent `capsicums'; and paprika, which may be sweet or mildly pungent. Paprika is always a ground product, whereas chillies and capsicums arc traded in the whole or ground forms. All three types are also extracted with solvents to prepare their oleoresins; and blends of ground chillies and capsicums are marketed as cayenne and red pepper or mixed with other spices for the preparation of 'chili powder'. Related products include the larger-fruited, sweet or mildly pungent varieties of C. annuum used in the fresh state as vegetables or in preserves.

In commerce, however, the words 'chillies' and 'capsicums' are often used interchangeably and indiscriminately and this can lead to confusion over the characteristics of the material in question. For example, Japanese Santakas and Nigerian Funtuas possess a moderate degree of pungency associated with capsicums but in the trade they are frequently described as chillies.

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