Sunday, December 21, 2008

Acne And Scar Herbal Treatment

By Zul Rahman

If you have been trying to get a treatment for acne, you surely know that there are many kinds of treatment available out there. All methods of treatment either over the counter or by prescription have their own pros and cons.

In recent days, more people are looking for natural treatment or natural healing. Therefore many people are becoming more interested in herbal acne treatment. Herbal treatment for acne has become more popular than ever before.

Why do people lost interest in pharmaceutical treatment?

Antibiotics is the most commonly used drug in pharmaceutical treatment for acne. In fact many of the prescription drugs for acne are using antibiotics.

The downside of antibiotics treatment is that if the person develop a high level of tolerances then it makes the treatment becomes less effective. Another disadvantage of antibiotics is that you have to go through trial and error until you find the right products that suits you.

If you are worry about the side effect of acne treatment, herbal treatment for acne are known to have less side effects compared to pharmaceutical drug treatment.

There are a lot of talks centered around a very controversial drug known as Accutane. Accutane is a very strong vitamin A based medicine.

The function of Accutane is to close the pores of the body. The understanding is that when the pores are closed they will be prevented from clogging.

Unfortunately Accutane has a reputation for causing some very serious side effects. Among them are major birth defects and liver damage. People who are on Accutane medication are required to take blood test every week.

On the extreme case Accutane could also cause mental instability that could result in suicides. There are clearly some very high risk involved with the treatment using this drug.

What makes the herbal treatment for acne becomes so popular?

Does acne herbal treatment completely safe? The answer is no one knows for sure. Does it 100% effective? The answer is no. There is no treatment that is 100% effective. Herbal treatment is more like able because it is herbal and plant base.

Herbal treatment has been practiced for thousands of years. People also tend to believe that herbal treatment is safer compared to prescription drug. Since it is plant base treatment most people are ready to accept it.

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