Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Alcoholics Anonymous: A God Send

By Ed Philips

Today's society is really hard hit by the effects of the disease known as alcoholism. Overcoming the disease means first recognising the symptoms, followed by the difficult step of owning up to the fact that you are an alcoholic. What makes this really tough is that there are no written guide line on the quantities consumed that make you an alcoholic.

In case you keep feeling the need to turn to alcohol a number of times during the day, end up drinking more than what you planned or suffer from memory lapses because of drinks, then the bad news is that you might be addicted to alcohol. The good news however, is that alcoholism is curable, and while it might take a lot of time, patience, will power and perseverance, even the worst of alcoholics have been known to kick the habit if they wanted to. The first step of trying to kick alcohol is to exercise self control, secondly, you can join a self help groups. One such self-help group is Alcoholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous is a group of people who are or have been alcoholics. These are people who have or had no self control over their drinking habits and who have faced a lot of problems because of their drinking habits. You might end up meeting people who have lost a job or a partner because of excessive drinking. However, with the support of other people in similar situations, these people try to and mostly succeed in getting over their addictions.

The best part about Alcoholics Anonymous is that since almost everybody here is or has been through a similar or a worse phase than what you are presently going through, there is nobody who will judge you, look down upon you, or think that you are weak. It is the best place to come to terms with reality and try to turn over a new leaf.

The organization Alcoholics Anonymous is just what is says, a group of unidentified alcoholics whose identity is not made public. Assisting Alcoholics Anonymous, does not involve any type of attendance records or membership details. This is a great aid when it comes to focusing all your energies on stopping alcohol consumption as you can be assured that nobody around you will see you as a failure, but as a person with courage.

Alcoholics Anonymous is a non profit making organization with no commercial interests whatsoever. No membership records are kept and should you not attend a meeting, no one will question you. You are in effect free to come and go as you wish.

One very normal fear is that you will come across a family member, close friend or work colleague at the local Alcoholics Anonymous center and that your secret will be discovered. Don't forget that you are all in the same boat, suffering from the same problems and that this great organization will only put your best interests first and will never reveal your identity to the outside.

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