Saturday, December 27, 2008

Are You Interested In Being Healthy?

By Samatha Jackson

It was found out that people can actually die in 8,956 ways. The thing is that there are only 4 major ways that people choose. It is their choice because they engage themselves in lifestyles that will eventually bring them to untimely death.

Several factors cause early death, according to Dr. Augustus grant, president of Heart Association. He said that physical inactivity, not exercising daily, unbalanced diet and smoking can contribute a lot to premature death, that is, nearly 1.5 million deaths in the US each year.

John Seffrin, head of the American Cancer Society, further claimed, "Last year, more than 80 percent of all deaths in America were from 4 things ? heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes." He said that major causes for these diseases are inactive lifestyle, smoking, unhealthy diet and obesity.

Unfortunately, it's not just the Americans who were affected. With so many health problems, everyone seems to join in a lifestyle that guides to primitive death. However, even if most people were born healthy and have the makings of living life in the pink of health, they are blatantly declining to follow the guidelines from scientists and health experts globally.

The evidences are as clear as the sky and the lesson we have to learn here is evident. There is something that we can do. We can prevent these from happening. But the problem is that most people do not heed the call for a healthy lifestyle. They are so much engrossed with an inactive life, eat more, exercise less, and smoke heavily.

We are at the twilight of this very serious predicament in our health. Hence, medical associations such as American Cancer Society, American heart Association, and the American Cancer Society have joined forces just to combat the issue.

Most experts say that majority of deaths are not genetically driven or environmentally triggered. All over the world, people die young because they live life in the unhealthiest way every single day.

It was found out that most Americans are undernourished or overfed. Over 60% are suffering from obesity. And only a few people are taking the recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables, about 5 to 9 servings. Ironically, some are eating fruits and vegetables but in unhealthy forms like banana splits or French fries.

And the greatest problem is that most Americans are not engaged with the daily recommended exercise of just 30 minutes a day. Add to that, statistics show that 1 in every four Americans continues smoking for the next 30 years of their lives in spite of the health warnings. And day after day, around the world, these facts are increasing.

The figures don't have to grow. You can even do something about it. Live your life to the fullest, with fruits, vegetables, and food supplements to support you. And of course, stop smoking.

Come to think of it, life would be much sweeter and lovelier if we reach its full potential without the problems. And it's not that hard isn't it?

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