Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Are You Trying To Stop Aggressive Dog Behavior?

By Julius Humphreys

If you have come to the internet in hopes of finding information about "trying to stop aggressive dog behavior," then you have come to the right place. This may be the most important article that you read today.

Pet owners always want to believe that their dog is not aggressive and will not harm anyone. After all who wants to believe that their pet or child is a bully. Well it is time to find out the signs of whether you dog is trying to become aggressive and how to put an end to this unwanted behavior. No one wants to live in a multi-family dwelling surrounded by these types of animals; because it could be nothing but problems.

What are the signs that my dog may be displaying aggressive dog behavior?

1. Barking: The only way that a dog can let you know that they want something is by barking; however there are cases that this can be considered aggressive behavior. If your pet begins barking when they see other people, pets or anyone else. This can be classified as a form of aggression especially if your dog begins foaming at the mouth.

2. Growling Noises: It is in the nature of a dog to growl every once in a while after all they are a family member of the wolves. However if your dog begins making growling noises at you when you are trying to feed them; it is necessary that you stop this behavior.

Your dog may be friendly towards you however if you feel that they can be a threat to other people or animals; then you are responsible for taking the necessary precautions for stopping this behavior. We all want to believe that our pets will not hurt anyone; however you should never underestimate what your pet will do if they feel threatened.

3. Digging: While this may not be seen as aggressive behavior; the truth is that certain instances of digging may be considered bad behavior. You will want to find out why your dog is digging and it may be easily solved with learning how to properly train your pet.

A dog will only show signs of aggression towards their owner if they feel as though their owner is a follower. You have to become the dominant one in the household. Remember a dog will never bite a dominant person and will be happy to take commands from them. Regardless of the type of breed you have; you definitely should visit the site below and find out how to begin taking control of the household and learn how to properly train your pet.

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