Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Beauty And Magnificence Of Mount Fuji

By Kenji Otaku

An uncountable number of people visit Mount Fuji every year to climb it. Many more make an effort to visit the mountain volcano as tourists, and to be part of an experience that is rarely unmatched elsewhere. They all do it fully aware that the volcano might erupt anytime, seemingly oblivious to the dangers that face them.

It is hard to believe that this happens. But one will do so when they fully understand the meaning and place Mount Fuji holds in the hearts of the people.

First of all, Mount Fuji is a popular tourist destination, but it is also a sacred symbol of Japan. There are legends attached to the mountain that show the respect and awe that it is held in the Japanese people's eyes. The fact that it is also the tallest peak in the East Asian country has made it all the more formidable.

There are numerous mini Fuji's all over Japan. All are smaller mountains or hills that have been named after the original in the west of Tokyo. They allow the non-Tokyoites to imagine having Mount Fuji in their own backyards, instead of having to make the long trip to the capital.

You can also create your own version of Mount Fuji out of paper. The Japanese have made this possible through the art of Origami. There are complete origami books which cover the many ways of folding a paper Fuji-san, allowing hours of fun. It is another piece of evidence of the high regard with which the Japanese hold for the mountain.

It is hard to miss the Mount Fuji peak during any visit to Tokyo. It occupies a large portion of the city's skyline, and could explain why the Japanese always mention the mountain volcano to any visitor. It is their pride and glory, as the sight of Mount Fuji's peak peeking from the surrounding clouds can be one of the most beautiful views in the world.

To heighten the value and mysticism of Mount Fuji, her peak can only be viewed in its full glory, untouched by weather conditions, for about ten days annually. Even traveling up to the general fifth station of the mountain will not change this fact.

Despite all its beauty, Mount Fuji also hangs a slightly negative cloud over the country. While it is currently dormant, weather experts have predicted that Fuji-san's next eruption will likely occur within the next few years. Under such a situation, Tokyo and neighboring parts of Japan will suffer great devastation and calamity. However, the Japanese are well prepared for it and will face up to the challenge in time. Meanwhile, they continue to admire and revere their country's greatest natural symbol, as with many others in the world.

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