Friday, December 26, 2008

The Benefits of Having a Home Security Camera

By Artur Knowles

Statistics have shown that robberies are getting more and more rampant these days. Based on FBI reports, robberies have been increasing steadily since the year 1999 up to year 2003.

A recorded increase of eighteen percent has been observed from 1999 to the year 2003. Most of these robberies in 1999 have taken place in public areas such as streets and alleys. However, an alarming report of fourteen percent increase of robberies in 2003 occurred in homes and residences. This means to say that crimes have taken from the streets to the suburbs and residential areas - places where people should feel safest in.

A Home Security Camera

Home security cameras are one of the most popular gadgets that people can equip their homes with. This is because home security cameras are easy to install. Having home security cameras in your home may not prevent your home from being robbed but it offers a certain level of peace knowing that everything going on in your home and its premises are well recorded. With a home security camera, no one can go in and out of the house unnoticed and no movement goes undetected and unrecorded. Installing a home security camera in full view may also be one way of warding off and discouraging robbers as home security camera recordings can be transmitted to local security receiving stations and monitored by people who can immediately respond to untoward incidents in your home. Furthermore, having security cameras in full sight can also discourage robbers from pursuing the crime as home security camera recordings can now be used in court as evidence of crime.

Installing Your Security Camera

Home security cameras are available in many types and shapes allowing you to install them in the most inconspicuous areas in your home. It also comes in wired or wireless models that are easy to set up or install. The wireless home security camera allows you to set the camera up without the tell-tale signs of the cords and wires running along in every corner. Using a wireless home security camera is discreet as well as hassle-free.

Some homes opt to set up their home security cameras in plain sight. As mentioned, robbers may be discouraged from committing any crime when they see the camera, knowing full well that its recordings can hold water in court. There are also some large homes that have their home security cameras strategically placed, hidden. This allows the homeowners to monitor guests and house help.

How Many Cameras Do I Need?

The specific number of home security cameras that you need will depend on many factors such as:

- size of your grounds - size of your home - the number of rooms - the number of entrances and exits - how closely you want every corner monitored

Home security cameras alone are not enough. Regardless of how many home security cameras you put up, they become useless and pointless if there is no other home security system that can monitor or see what the cameras have to show and, eventually, to respond to any suspicious occurrences in your home.

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