Monday, December 22, 2008

Do I Have Adult Asthma Signs

By John Schaefer

Most people who develop the symptoms of asthma as an adult are usually quite surprised by it. Most instances of asthma usually occur in children and when it happens to an adult the symptoms are quite often taken for something else entirely.The onset of the shortness of breath, wheezing in the chest, and unfounded coughing spells often cause the sufferers to panic, unaware of the condition there are experiencing. Sometimes they even misdiagnose themselves with having a heart attack.

The reality of the situation is that adult asthma attack symptoms are things that you should get checked out at the doctor no matter what they signify. Shortness of breath, wheezing, a tight feeling in the chest, and extreme coughing can all be signs of many different diseases, one of which is bronchial asthma. Only your physician can tell you for sure whether or not you are acquiring adult onset asthma.

Nonetheless, on that point there are some solid indicators to tell whether or not a particular condition is a symptom of adult bronchial asthma. Think about what triggered it. Did it come about as the result of physical exercises? Did it come about after eating a certain food? Does it happen when you suddenly breathe in really cold air by going outside on a winter morning? All of these can be signs that you have developed asthma.

Asthma treatments come in lots of different forms and like most chronic conditions it takes more than one treatment to really help alleviate the problem, Your diet is probably one of the most overlooked aspects of treating your asthma. Most people especially Americans love fast food and processed foods. These though can lead to a higher chance or your asthma being triggered. Your proper diet should consist of plenty of fruits and vegetables as well as a variety of grains.

Of course, medicine is also an important tool in treating adult asthma symptoms. Most of the time, doctors will prescribe an asthma inhaler or two. When I used to have childhood asthma, my doctor prescribed a maintenance inhaler which would stop me from getting relapses, and an inhaler that I could use in case of a sudden onset of severe symptoms. This is a pretty typical approach, but there are a lot of different ways that you can go about treating adult asthma symptoms. There are even natural asthma treatments out there consisting of various different herbs that will counteract respiratory conditions. It all comes down to finding what works best for you.

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