Friday, December 26, 2008

Driving to Your Mountain Bike Holiday Trip

By Rob Carlton

For people that like to spend a majority of their days outside, they believe that mountain biking is an awesome sport. Not only can it be fun and enjoyable, but it also gives your whole body an intense and serious workout. Most people that enjoy regular bike riding find mountain biking even more. In fact, there is no sport like it!

Many times when people hear the term "mountain bike holidays" they are unsure of its meaning; but it actually refers to a specific trip, adventure, or deals that many mountain bike companies will offer. In fact, many of the bikers come from around the world to participate in the mountain bike holidays; which makes it fun as well as giving you the opportunity to meet other bikers and new friends.

At the time of the mountain bike holidays, there are many different companies that will offer the deals; one being Sacred Rides. Sacred Rides is a company that started in 1996, and is the first biking company to offer week long downhill trips and mountain bike holidays; in British Columbia. Make sure you are in shape before you go on this trip. Riding your bike now and then does not constitute "in shape". When you are in downhill and mountain biking, you will be riding for a long distance for days. If your body is not used to this kind of activity, you can wind up very sore. Nothing will ruin your vacation quicker.

Also, all the staff and guides are local, which is how they know all the trails and routes so well; therefore, you can feel safe with them. The company also uses only local suppliers and services so that the money stays locally.

While on the bike holiday trips, you will be able to see many incredible and beautiful scenes. If you have never seen any of British Columbia, you will most definitely want to check it out!

Another company offered is Skedaddle; which is a company that offers many different holidays. Skedaddle was established in 1995 by Andrew Straw and Paul Snedker, both who were experienced cyclists. The guides are also experienced, so there is no need to worry- they'll do all the planning. All you have to do is show up.

Most people that go on mountain bike holidays have nothing but fun, especially when they are with others! Also, they will have the opportunity to travel around the world with all the different offerings! It all depends on how far you want to go!

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