Monday, December 1, 2008

Holiday Shopping Diva: Have a Plan B for your Holiday Shopping

By Edie Mindell

Holiday Shopping Diva here with another dose of sanity to add to your holiday shopping excursions this year. One of the most difficult things about the whole holiday gift giving process is that even with the best-laid plans there is always a hitch. Sometimes this is a minor set back that can easily be rectified, other times it is not so minor.

What do you do when your toddler happens to set his heart on this season's equivalent of the cabbage patch doll or tickle me Elmo toy? (Bloodshed is not an option.) Let's face it, if your baby or toddler wants the season's 'it' toy, you may need a plan B.

When you think your list might be laden with toys that will be snapped up before the boxes are off the delivery truck having a good offense is the only way to go. The only offense in shopping is to shop longer and harder than the other shoppers. This means you will need to start looking for that red wagon early in the season and with a great degree of frequency until it is secreted away for your child.

If shopping till you drop does not yield the perfect tricycle then a special order might be what you need. You might pay a bit more in shipping, but at least you will get the gift you are after. When implementing the special order plan B do not forget to allow time for shipping and check the internet as well as in-store ordering options.

One of the less popular tactics but one that might need to be used is simply knowing when to say when. Holiday shopping and gift giving should be fun especially when you are shopping for kids. When no other gift will possibly do this can be difficult but you do not need to abandon all hope of ever presenting your child with a beautiful step stool just her size. All that needs to be altered is the timeline. The mad rush to buy a holiday toy passes with the holiday season. To this end buy the gift and present it to your child for Valentine's Day, a birthday or just as an out of the blue I'm thinking of you.

Plan B options also include the second choice gift. Sometimes the perfect gift that you just can't find is also the one you thought of yourself. You know your child will just love a rocking horse, but she didn't ask for it. In this case make a last minute gift substitution. Your child will never even know, and your sanity and stress level will decrease.

Don't forget the power of the internet. Many gifts that are not to be found in a traditional store are available with very little hassle on-line! I have begun doing much of my holiday shopping online. It is great! Stay tuned for more internet shopping tips that will certainly spice up your holiday shopping.

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