Monday, December 1, 2008

How to stop Digestive Problems! 8 Easy Methods of Colon Cleansing

By Daniel Gonzalez

Natural digestive health is an essential part of your overall wellness. Your natural digestive health functions are tightly woven with your body functions and very complicated. Fortunately, understanding all the ins and outs of these functions isn't necessary for you to control digestive health problems and prevent them from occurring.

A healthy digestive system is essential to a long and healthy life. With the practice of using simple natural and herbal methods, you can achieve colon cleansing and maintain a very healthy digestive system. I'll share a few natural digestive health methods here. Below is a list of 8 simple and easy ways to improve your digestive health.

* Always drink plenty of water: Probably the easiest thing to do. Your body uses water for every aspect of natural digestive health. Water breaks down your food, removes the toxins from your body and your blood and a simple supply of water will keep it healthy. Use a simple rule of one 8 ounce cup of water per hour. Keep a glass at your work place throughout your work day to stay hydrated for excellent natural digestive health.

* Maintain intestinal tract health - One easy way for you to do this is with fiber. Fiber is essential to preventing digestive problems. Despite the abundance of foods with fiber, there is also an abundance of excuses for not getting enough. If you don't get healthy, fiber-filled foods, get a good natural fiber supplement. They come in the form of powders for your drinks, and supplement pills. These supplements easily fill your 20 to 35 grams needed for natural digestive health. Fiber helps absorb water thus preventing constipation and diarrhea by rapidly removing solid waste.

* Eliminate the bad fats - Good fats come from sources like fish oils. They are essential for reducing joint swelling and maintaining and strong heart. They help maintain natural digestive health by removing excess acid from you body.

* Get Protein at every meal: Your digestive juices in your stomach require protein. It can be from plants or animals, or get a good protein drink supplement. Protein is essential to colon cleansing.

* Try Raw Vegetable Juices: Maybe you don't like raw vegetables or even cooked or steamed vegetables. You might find raw vegetable juices to be a very good way to get the nutritional content needed from vegetables. Raw vegetables also provide the required digestive enzymes to break down other foods such as meats. Remember, food cooked above 112 degrees Fahrenheit have had all the enzymes destroyed. You may want to take a natural vegetable supplement along with a digestive plant enzyme supplement if you simply cannot get the required portions of raw vegetables.

* Include Probiotics In Your Diet: Believe it or not, bacteria is essential to your natural digestive health. The healthy ones you need are called probiotics. They provide digestive cleansing, prevent diarrhea, improve immune functions, and a host of other benefits. You should have live cultures for best natural digestive health. There are probiotic supplements and they can be found in fermented food, yogurt, buttermilk, and other foods.

* Use Quality Multivitamins - Don't just settle on any cheap multivitamin off the shelf. There are good ones and bad ones. It is great your grocery store carries cheap ones. Unfortunately, they go in one end and out the other without being absorbed. Your vitamins are essential to digestion. Get a good quality multivitamin.

* Use Natural Cleanses - Aloe drinks and similar supplements are great for improving your natural digestive health. These type drinks assist your body in its natural self-cleansing ability. Use aloe drinks, and stay away from colonics. Cleanse your colon naturally.

These simple, and common methods are available to everyone, everyday for colon cleansing and ending digestive problems. Today is the day to take control of your natural digestive health

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