Friday, December 26, 2008

Is There a Link? Coffee and Hypertension

By Christian Goodman

If I have one vice in my otherwise healthy lifestyle, it's my large cup of great coffee, everyday. Not one for wanting to own "vices," I am curious as to why coffee, in moderation, is considered to be one.

A good friend recently stated that her doctor had told her she had to quit drinking coffee due to her hypertention (high blood pressure).

I wondered to myself what advice the doctor gave to my friend about food intake, alcohol intake and smoking. All three of these things my friend does tend to partake in to excess.

Did the doctor actually state that more than anything, my friend's overindulgence in food, smoking and sometimes alcohol largely caused her hypertension but she only heard "coffee?" Hard to know but I was curious, why did the doctor even list coffee as a contributor?

I have read no studies where it states that there is a causal link to coffee and hypertension.

Some studies have shown that drinking coffee does raise one's blood pressure slightly, but only temporarily. In fact, these same studies have shown that over time, this slight increase in blood pressure is reduced.

What some studies have shown is that coffee can temporarily raise blood pressure but that is all. In fact, studies have also shown that over time, this temporary increase in blood pressure is reduced.

More recent studies have tried to focus on behaviors or habits associated with coffee - coffee and cigarettes and coffee and weight gain. People do tend to do both together. Does this mean coffee causes high blood pressure?

No. Rather, the studies have shown that people associate the negative lifestyle (cigarettes, over-eating) with drinking coffee. My same friend has foregone her cigarette break if she doesn't have coffee, indicating that the cigarette, "Just doesn't taste the same."

This combination of behaviors is where I'd like to see more research. I've read incredible stories about people who switched from coffee to green tea and see all sorts of positive changes, including lowered blood pressure. What wasn't expounded upon was whether or not they gave up their cigarettes and pastries as a result.

I believe moderation truly is the key as far as coffee (and well, everything) is concerned. I love my coffee and I drink one cup of great coffee every day.

Regardless of the reason for high blood pressure, my High Blood Pressure Program does provide amazing results. The exercises in the program are easy but effective. So effective, in fact, that people who have suffered from high blood pressure for years have lowered their blood pressure with this completely natural remedy.

If weight loss is your concern as well, I recommend my Weight Loss Breeze Program.


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