Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Knock-Out Your Acne With a Natural Acne Treatment That Works!

By Tom Mulligan

Acne can be both annoying and embarrassing, but you don't have to just live with it. Even if you have tried ways to get rid of acne in the past without any success, today we wanted to show you how natural acne treatments can clear your skin.

Almost all of those medications you see advertised and filling row upon row of drugstore shelves simply don't work! If they did, you wouldn't come across so many unhappy customers and you probably wouldn't be reading this article.

If one takes a minute to think about, it's really obvious why all these treatments fail to work. They're designed to combat each pimple one at a time instead of treating the cause behind it. To effectively cure acne, one has to target the cause - the actual root of the problem.

For this reason, many people get discouraged. Others even turn to prescription drugs to try to solve the problem. However, this can lead to side effects and is completely unnecessary. You can find natural acne treatments that will completely clear your skin because they actually treat the root of the problem.

In order for you to cure your acne, you need to eliminate all the factors which cause you to have acne in the first place. The main culprits are: certain types of bacteria, clogged pores, excessive oil as well as inflammation of the skin. If you can treat all of these cause than you will be able to remain acne free.

The best acne treatments will work as a system and make sure that all the causes are being addressed. This usually means that you will have a "kit" that includes a couple of steps. As an example, the kit might have a facewash, a spot cream and a moisturizer. Each component is designed to complement the others and they work as a team to fight pimples.

So many people express surprise at just how simple this advice really. Unfortunately though, the vast majority of companies have chosen to ignore these facts, perhaps for the sake of increased profits. After all, repeat customers mean more money. If a product doesn't offer a total cure, those same customers will be back again for more.

If you have acne, whether light or severe, you can get rid of it permanently with the right treatment. If you make sure that all of the causes are being treated, you will start seeing results in just a few days.

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