Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Myths about Parrots

By John Savage

Ask anybody who has decided to own an Eclectus parrot and they will probably tell you that when they started to discuss this with other people they heard many a story which in time has proved to be untrue about these birds. Just so you are forewarned I want to outline some of these stories to you Now.

When people first consider the possibility of owning an Eclectus parrot they hear so many good things about these birds that they begin to wonder if it's all really true. well, I'm here to tell you that it is true because these are really wonderful pets to own.

You may have heard it said that these birds only live for eight to ten years, but this is only the case if they are not well cared for. A healthy bird that is well looked after can live for thirty to fifty years.

Because Eclectus parrots were grossly malnourished when they were first brought to the United States - largely because nobody understood their dietary needs - these creatures were deemed as boring and stupid. This isn't true. If the bird is well nourished, he is quite active and interesting.

For the same reason, many people believe that the Eclectus parrots health is fragile. This isn't true at all. In fact, the Eclectus parrot is one of the healthiest captive birds in existence. They seldom get ill, and if they do, it is usually because they are not getting the proper nutrition.

Even today with all that we know about these birds I still hear of people who only feed them some bird seed and pellets. What they need is a well rounded diet of vegetables, grains, seeds and fruits.

You will hear reports of Eclectus parrots that have very bad behavior. In almost all instances of bad behavior, the bad behavior is due to negligence or improper nutrition. When the bird is well attended to, he is one of the easiest of all birds to keep as a pet.

Are Eclectus parrots good talkers? Yes they certainly are. Do not believe any stories you may hear to the contrary because these are great little talkers, as long as you play your part by giving them the time and attention that they need. Do this, and you will discover what a wide vocabulary they have, and what good singers they are!

The very next time that you hear something negative said about Eclectus parrots make sure that you check out the information source first. You can usually rely on the word of an established breeder.

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