Thursday, December 4, 2008

Obesity and the Poor

By Sara Mendez

Obesity rates among the poor reached a 147% increase in 2002 obesity according to This made those at the poverty level one of the fastest growing obesity group in the country. Being obese for those at the poverty line is due to make circumstances which are out of their control. Many poor families report some of the reasons they let their weight fluctuate is because of lack of exercise, food choices and no access to health food stores or supermarkets.

Living in government assisted housing, commonly known as "projects" is something many of the impoverished live in everyday. The projects are home to gangs, shootings, and other more serious crimes. Many children and families report this as the number one reason they do not get out an exercise. Projects often do not have playgrounds, sidewalks or lawns where families or children can play. If there is a playground near by often it is a central meeting place for gangs and gang activity, again making it a less than ideal hang out for children or individuals looking for a place to exercise.

Many who live in government assisted housing are also on food stamps or other food assistance programs. Trying to eat healthy on food stamps is near impossible. Often those who use foods stamps have many mouths to feed and they need to stretch the money as far as it will go. One way they can make it last is by buying cheep staples such as macaroni and cheese, Cup O'Noodle and other starches such as bread or pasta. A cheep and easy dinner might be Hamburger Helper which is extremely unhealthy but food stamp shoppers don't care, as long as it feeds their babies.

Eating healthy is not cheap, organic foods and other food substitutes such as Egg Beaters or tofu are not items on low income families grocery lists. Often they do not have grocery lists at all because there are no grocery stores anywhere near their homes and lugging $400.00 worth of groceries on a bus alone is not easy. Many do not buy fresh fruits or vegetables since one they can not afford to buy fresh produce every week and two there is no where in the inner city to buy these items.

Large cities such as New York, Chicago or Los Angles often lack a supermarket or health food store in close proximity to inner city living. Many project tenets go grocery shopping at Circle K's or Quickie Marts since they are close to their homes. reports one of the leading reasons for obesity among the poor is lack of grocery stores in their neighborhoods. There are no farmers markets offering organic produce or health food stores with tofu, these people get what they can at corner markets.

Often people make many excuses why they have become obese. Sometimes it is because they are too busy and can't find time to eat right an exercise. However being poor should be no excuse for being over weight. The odds are defiantly against those in a low income bracket. It has become more important then ever to take care of yourself regardless of your income level. The rising costs of health care are not going down, and by being obese you are not part of the solution.

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