Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Six Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure

By Terry Stanfield

The American Heart Association has shown us that roughly 1 out of every 3 adults living in the U.S. truly has high blood pressure. The worst part of all this is that 1/3 of those adults have no idea anything is wrong with them. This is known as the silent killer because left untreated high blood pressure can have dire consequences for you. You will also hear the term hypertension used quite often when referring to this problem. The problem here also is that you can have this problem for many years and show no signs or symptoms of it.

Changing your lifestyle is one way of controlling hypertension. In most cases your physician will prescribe a medicinal regimen to get your high blood pressure under control. So let's take a look at some cheaper and more natural remedies that will do a pretty good job at controlling blood pressure.

Evidence has shown us that the supplement CoQ10 aids in the reduction of elevated blood pressure. There are still tests that are being done to find out exactly how it works and what side effects are associated with it if any.

Garlic is another natural supplement that has been proven to reduce elevated blood pressure. A word of caution here about garlic is that it should be used while under supervision of your doctor because it does have blood thinning qualities (stops the blood from clotting).

There is an herb that is a huge help and it goes by the name of hawthorn. This is one of the traditional herbs used by old school herbalists to lower blood pressure.

Initial studies point to fish oil being a reasonable aid to elevated blood pressure. Most fish oil supplements contain DHA and EPA. DHA is the portion that has been shown that medical personnel are most interested in.

B Folate is a necessary vitamin for proper formation of all red blood cells in the body. In some people this may aid in the lowering of elevated blood pressure. This vitamin reduces increased homocysteine levels.

One of the biggest keys to lowering your blood pressure level is making a change in your diet. The National Institute of Health promotes a diet that goes by the name of DASH.

Don't forget how important it is that you work closely with your physician. If left untreated high blood pressure can cause severe damage to your internal organs. High blood pressure can also increase your risk of stroke, heart attack, and kidney disease.

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