Monday, December 1, 2008

Using HIIT To Get Rid Of Belly Fat Very Quickly

By Greg McKenzie

I am still amazed at the number of people trying to lose the belly fat that has plagued them for years. With people spending several billion dollars in the weight loss industry every year you would have thought that this problem would have been solved. The science is around to enable us to lose up to 5lbs a week in a healthy way.

To be honest, I was also desperate to loose the belly fat at one point in my life and while I may not have tried all the different diet pills, I certainly made up for it by reading everything I could find on the subject hoping to stumble across the perfect secret.

The first thing i found was a bunch of fad diets. Most of them really didn't work and a lot of them are just plain dangerous. Just before we get onto what really works, consider this - in what way would starving ourselves of nutrients ever be able to benefit our health and weight loss? I also found a ton of exercise routines that were just plain wrong. No exercise is really bad, its just that when it comes to weight loss some exercises are canons, others are pea shooters.

Finally someone told me about interval training and what they told me, changed my life. Why? Simply because there is no other form of exercise comparable to interval training when it comes to shedding fat. In fact, unlike steady state cardio which causes your body to burn fat for thirty minutes, a single interval training session will have your body burning fat for up to forty hours and if that's not impressive, then I don't know what is.

To establish just how effective interval training is, a study was undertaken at Tremblay using two groups of volunteers. While group one was put on a steady state cardio program, group two were put on an interval training program. After completion of the study, the results were nothing short of spectacular, with the interval trainers having lost nine times as much subcutaneous fat than their counterparts on the steady state cardio program.

Of course nobody can disagree that those results were amazing but what researchers also discovered, was that those who had been on the interval training program also benefited from a permanent change in their metabolism, the manner in which your body burns fat.

If one considers that those initial studies took place back in 1994, it stands to reason that over the years; techniques have been refined, thus making interval training even more effective than it was back then. Obviously, results will depend on the level of training you do as well as the intensity of your training. For beginners starting off with a twenty minute training session and doing this three times each week, they can expect to loose about 2lbs per week

Proper interval training is known to be extremely intensive so if you're unfit, please ease into it slowly. After just a few weeks you'll be able to increase the level of intensity which of course means more rapid fat loss. Above all, whether you only need to shed one or two pounds or whether you need to half you size, interval training is the most effective way for you to loose the belly fat which has been haunting you for years.

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