Thursday, December 25, 2008

What Jesus Might Say to Santa Claus

By Drs Bil and Cher Holton

Someone only has to burst out with: "Ho, Ho, Ho," and you know instantly who they are imitating. Santa Claus, Old St. Nick, Kris Kringle, Sinter Klaas are all names we give to the omnipresent, legendary, white-bearded bearer of Christmas gifts -- the embodiment of the spirit of giving.

But Christmas has become big business. Rather than the 'giving spirit,' retailers have been selling the 'buying spirit' for centuries. We've lost sight of what the real St. Nicholas gave us -- the gift of giving -- unselfish, spirit-filled giving.

So, how would Jesus communicate to St. Nick's highly commercialized 21st Century, garbed in red Ho, Ho, Ho, counterpart Santa Claus? If Jesus would write today's Santa Claus a letter, here's what it might say:


Dear Santa:

Instead of asking for something, I have the gift of an important piece of advice for you: Please -- remember who you really are! You know, the authentic Saint Nick and I are kindred spirits . . . we have so much in common! We both stand for unconditional giving -- and both our images have been misinterpreted and confused as time has passed. You and I, we have both been used to create guilt trips -- which was never our intention -- and folks seem to think we have nothing better to do than keep lists of good and bad behavior -- as if that were what we cared about at all! It is so important for you to keep your focus, and continue to do what it is you are here to do -- spread the spirit of joy and unconditional giving to the world. And man, you've got to stop eating all those cookies and milk treats!

This is the way I wish people would give - Unconditionally!

1. Unconditionally give of their Time

2. Unconditionally give of their Talents

3. Unconditionally give of their Treasures.

Santa, you can help people understand this message, if you remember who you really are!


Because Jesus is talking to the Santa in each of us -- that part of us that really does understand the spirit of unconditional giving, but sometimes forgets -- let's see how we can take His advice to heart this holiday season!

1. Give of your time: Time is such a precious commodity. There is so much emphasis on the gadgetry and intricacy of electronics that we have actually put ourselves into a time trap! We are more pressured and rushed than ever. We worry so much about what gift to buy for people who don't need anything. What if we gave the gift of our time? How many times has a loved one said to you, "I don't need a gift. Your presence is all the presents I need!" Let's believe that -- and identify ways to give the gift of our time this season.

2. Give of your Talents: What are your unique gifts, and how could you use them to bring joy and love to others? Consider this: What do dolphins; pool plastic, Guinness Book of World Records, and a herdsman from Inner Mongolia have to do with giving of your talents? They all shared the same article in a news story: The herdsman's name is Bao Xishun. At 7-foot-9, Bao was confirmed by Guinness Book of World Records as the world's tallest living man. His arms are 41.7 inches long! What made him important in terms of giving? It seems some dolphins had gotten seriously ill after nibbling on plastic from the edge of their pool at an aquarium. Surgical instruments could not extract the material (because of the shape of the dolphin stomach it is difficult to push instruments very far without hurting the animals), so vets sought out the help of Bao Xishun. He found a way to reach his arm into the stomachs of the sick dolphins and remove the dangerous material! His unique arms became the saving mechanism for the dolphins!

What are your talents -- and how can you use them to reach out to others, bringing joy and love?

3. Give of your Treasures: The critical issue here has nothing to do with the amount of money you have -- it is the generosity of your spirit in terms of what you do have. We saw this illustrated when we had lunch recently at a Cracker Barrel restaurant in Mebane, NC. Our waitress was wonderful -- fabulous energy, beautiful spirit, and very talented at her job. She made us feel so welcome as she served us with such joy. We were led to give her an unusually large tip, in recognition of the way she served us! When she saw her tip, she thanked us profusely -- then shared, with excitement, that she was using all her tips this week to purchase things for children whose names were on the Angel Tree at the restaurant. Sure enough, we saw the tree, and when she opened her order book, there were four cut-out angels in her book. She said, "Now I can take a few more angels off the tree!"

What are your treasures -- and ways you can use them from a spirit of unconditional giving? Believe us; you will be blessed many times over.

Remember what Jesus said to Santa? That is the same message each of us needs to hear: Remember who you really are! And that will make Christmas, and the New Year, the best you have ever experienced!

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