Friday, December 26, 2008

Yeast Infection Symtoms - How To Spot Them

By Jennifer King

There are many yeast infection symptoms and can vary from person to person. A yeast infections symptoms are caused by the Candida Albicans yeast that has mutated into a fungus. Yeast is a natural part of our body, but for some people the yeast gets out of control, and then it mutates and start causing symptoms.

Antibiotics use is the major cause of yeast overgrowth in the human body. Your body has friendly bacteria living in it that naturally prevents yeast infections, and antibiotics kill these bacteria. This means the Candia Albicans yeast easily mutates into a fungus.

Children as well as adults can be infected with yeast overgrowth. A child will usually suffer when it's friendly bacteria levels are too low to fight off infection causing yeasts.

Another form of yeast overgrowth is thrush which is an infection of the mouth. White spots and patches are usually a sign of oral thrush, and it can be quite painful. Poor oral hygiene and poorly fitted dentures are the biggest causes of oral thrush.

The most common area of the body that a yeast infection will appear is the vagina. Many times an infection in woman is caused by a hormonal imbalance. A woman's hormonal imbalance can be caused by many different factors that include menopause, periods, birth control drugs, pregnancy, and hormonal therapy.

The major symptom of a yeast infection is chronic with itching which last for an extended period of time, soreness, sensitivity and discomfort. Females may have a white colored discharge that looks a lot like cottage cheese. Men can have similar symptoms as well on their penis.

It is important to remember that there are many different types of infections that share similar symptoms to yeast infection. You could have a much more serious disease like a STD and should seek treatment from a physician right away.If you misdiagnose yourself you could end up with a serious infection that is difficult to treat.

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