Monday, March 16, 2009

Summer Enrichment Camps: The Solution to Summer School Blues

By Lauren Tyson

Every student has an aversion to summer school. Why wouldn't they? It is exactly the opposite of what summer is traditionally known for: fun, freedom, and recreation.

It is true that summer school is just an abbreviated version of normal classes during the school year, with a lot less time to comprehend the concepts presented. Also, summer school cuts into the free time many students feel they have earned. Overall, motivation to apply themselves to schoolwork during the summer is lacking for most students.

Many may confuse summer enrichment with summer school, but a vast difference exists between the two. Summer school is typically a reprisal of a previously taken class in which a student is forced to participate or be faced with the possibility of flunking. Students view summer school as a punishment, which can severely affect their level of motivation.

Summer school is not the same as a summer enrichment camp. Summer enrichment camps focus on providing a student with the most stimulating experience possible. They typically meld academic learning with life skills that a student can apply in a real life situation. SuperCamp, a world renowned summer enrichment camp, believes that students need to find a way to make the connection between what they are learning and their own lives to fully comprehend the subject matter.

Conversely, summer camps are significantly more fun than summer school, but usually lack the discipline and structure. Summer camps focus on keeping a child entertained through recreational activities and a promise of positive social interaction. Though they try, summer camps don't always successfully keep every child involved in group activities. The social aspect of summer camps can sometimes imitate social situations in school, and some children may be left out of the interaction.

Summer enrichment camps are geared completely toward providing the most stimulating experience possibly in learning and life situations. SuperCamp, a world renowned summer enrichment camp, believes that learning should be engaging, enjoyable, and applicable to real life. It also makes participation a priority, so no child will ever feel like they aren't included.

Among the many lasting benefits students will form at summer enrichment camp include raised academic skills, test scores, grades, self-confidence and motivation. They will also uncover their individual learning styles, enhance their capability for problem-solving and creative thinking, and learn to set goals and take responsibility for their actions. Summer enrichment camps provide a safe learning environment where students feel free to share their thoughts, fears, and opinions with their peers, and staff who are intent on helping them develop both personally and academically.

Summer can still provide fun and entertainment while enhancing the learning experience when kids and teens attend a summer enrichment camp. Keeping the spark of learning lit in between school session is the key to a successful future.

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