Monday, December 1, 2008

Enjoyable And Healthy Trampoline Exercises

By Jane Bracken

I had become a bit bored with my recent exercise routine. Being middle-aged and a parent, I recognize that it is imperative that I take an approach that is in line with my everyday life. Plus, other issues were making it tough to get to the gym regularly.

I have a friend who is in very good shape and I asked her how she manages to stay so fit. She suggested that I should work out at home each day on a little trampoline. Little did I know, but trampolines are one of the most fun and efficient ways to get a good workout.

Trampolines provide a workout that is superior and safer than other forms of exercise. Running is a popular exercise, but hitting the track everyday takes its toll on the body. Joint and muscle problems are very common, especially in the feet and knees.

Conversely, you can enjoy a much safer trampoline exercise regimen. The trampoline permits the absorption of the energy created by the repeated jarring activity. Therefore, you can benefit from a complete workout without worrying about the problem of your feet striking unyielding surfaces.

Everyone knows that it's hard to keep children occupied and entertained. However, putting a trampoline in the backyard will keep kids busy for hours at a time. While they're having so much fun, kids don't even know that they're exercising at the time. Encouraging children to combine fun and exercise helps them to become healthy and active adults.

You may have seen some very big trampolines in the neighborsa yards before. One of my childhood friends, Billy S. had a trampoline that was 16 feet wide. Billy had more neighborhood friends than anyone else! These big trampolines are lots of fun and provide a good workout for both parents and kids alike.

Since there are trampolines in a number of different sizes, you may find a smaller one more suited to your needs. There is a smaller version that has a handle that is a perfect model for those who want to exercise at home. It can be readily moved and stowed without difficulty.

I feel wound up and excited to go about my every day routine after a trampoline workout. We all know that it is important to stay fit, but finding the proper workout regimen that satisfies our needs can be difficult. I, for one, am grateful to my friend for giving me this great advice, and I anticipate a long life of fit and fun workouts on my trampoline.

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